Module Lock

Protects tables against accidential read/write.

Module Status: Experimental 2020-10-31.


    local Lock = require('__eradicators-library__/erlib/lua/Lock')()


auto_lock(tbl, name[, passphrase[, err_write[, err_read]]]) Prevents accidential writing to tables.
is_locked(tbl) Detects if a table was locked by this module.
remove_lock(tbl) Removes any locks created by this module.


auto_lock(tbl, name[, passphrase[, err_write[, err_read]]])
Prevents accidential writing to tables. Intended mainly to detect leaking global access when you forgot to type "local" again. It is called "Auto"-Lock because it re-locks any key as soon as it becomes nil, even if it had a value before.

Note: You have to manually remove this after your done if you use it in any of the shared loading stages (data, settings).


  • tbl table The table to apply the lock to.
  • name string The table's name. Used for error messages.
  • passphrase string → usage examples are below. (optional)
  • err_write function A custom error handler. f(tbl,key,value) (optional)
  • err_read function A custom error handler. f(tbl,key) (optional)


    table The now locked table tbl.


    -- Apply the lock to any table.
    -- For this example we'll apply it to the global environment.
    Lock.auto_lock(_ENV,'Global Environment','MyPassword')
    -- Accidential writing of ney keys will fail.
    _ENV.A_New_Key = 'A new value!'
    > Error! Global Environment is write locked!
    -- Accidential read will also fail.
    if _ENV.A_New_Key then print('not ok') end
    > Error! Global Environment is read locked!
    -- Use __has_key instead.
    if not _ENV.__has_key('A_New_Key') then print('ok') end
    > ok
    -- The passphrase function allows you to explicitly circumvent the lock.
    MyPassword('A_New_Key','A new value!')
    > A new value!
    -- Keys that become nil will become locked again.
    _ENV.A_New_Key = nil
    if _ENV.A_New_Key then print('not ok') end
    > Error! Global Environment is read locked!
    -- You can declare a key global without assigning a value.
    if not Another_New_Key then print('ok this time!') end
    > ok this time!
    -- It'll have the default value of boolean false.
    if (Another_New_Key == false) then print('I got it.') end
    > I got it.
Detects if a table was locked by this module.



Removes any locks created by this module. Will error if you try to remove any other kind of lock or metatable.


generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-09-10 19:51:19