Module Debug

Manipulation of upvalues and locals.

Module Status: Work in progress.


    local Debug = require('__eradicators-library__/erlib/lua/Debug')()


TOO_DEEP This unique empty table is used as a value by Debug.get_upvalue_tree to signal that the real value was not retrieved because the depth limit has been reached.
get_upvalue_tree(obj[, depth=2[, include_everything=true]]) __!WARNING! Unfinished.


This unique empty table is used as a value by Debug.get_upvalue_tree to signal that the real value was not retrieved because the depth limit has been reached.


    if value == Debug.TOO_DEEP then --[[ignore value]] end
get_upvalue_tree(obj[, depth=2[, include_everything=true]])
!WARNING! Unfinished. Only use for testing.

Recursively explores the upvalues of a function or table.


  • obj function or table the starting point of the exploration
  • depth NaturalNumber The maximum deepth to explore. Any values deeper than this will instead be replaced with Debug.TOO_DEEP. There is no protection against infinite loops so be careful not to set it too high. (default 2)
  • include_everything boolean Should numbers, strings etc be in the output table? If false then only functions and tables will be included. (default true)


    table or nil A table of upvalues. Any value that would be a function is replaced by a table {__f=TheFunction,__up={The,Up,Values}}.


    local a,b,three = 'a','b',3
    local d = {a,b}
    local f1 = function() return a,b end
    local f2 = function() return f1,three,d end
    > {
    >   k1 = {
    >     __f = function()end,
    >     __up = {
    >       a = "a",
    >       b = "b"
    >     }
    >   },
    >   k2 = {
    >     __f = function()end,
    >     __up = {
    >       d = {
    >         {}, -- Debug.TOO_DEEP
    >         0 --[[ self.k2.__up.d[1] ]]
    >       },
    >       f1 = {
    >         __f = 0 --[[ self.k1.__f ]],
    >         __up = {
    >           a = 0 --[[ self.k2.__up.d[1] ]],
    >           b = 0 --[[ self.k2.__up.d[1] ]]
    >         }
    >       },
    >       three = 3
    >     }
    >   }
    > }
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-09-10 19:51:19